What’s best for America?

I’m worried. I’m genuinely concerned about our nation and for my children’s future. I’m no prophet . . . just a student of history and of my life experiences, but the words of the German Luther Pastor, Martin Niemoller, keep coming to mind.

First they came for the socialist, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionist, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.

Those that know me, know that I hate socialism, but I’ve never thought that socialists should be put in prison. I don’t think socialists should be fired (except socialist politicians should be unelected through the ballot box). I don’t mind if they teach at universities as long as few conservatives are allowed to be hired to counter them. As long as free speech is allowed to exist, socialism is not hard to counter in a truly free society.

But we are witnessing, Donald Trump being cancelled. It doesn’t bode well for the nation, the truth, or traditional Americanism. They aren’t really cancelling Donald Trump, but those of us who believe in America and freedom.

I wasn’t originally a Trump Supporter. I ran the Ted Cruz Campaign here in Utah. With the help of great volunteers, Ted Cruz received 69% of the vote. Had Ted Cruz won, I probably would have received some type of appointment in Washington, DC - a dream of mine. Yet when Trump won, and my dream was crushed, I had to make a decision and ask the question, “What’s best for America?”

I reluctantly supported President Trump and to my surprise, President Trump kept more campaign promises than any candidate in my lifetime. He appointed conservative judges. I hate to think where our religious and 2nd Amendment rights would be without the 3 Supreme Court Judges he appointed. I thought we were supposed to be grateful.

I saw President Trump scaled back Bears Ears National Monument . . . something George W. Bush didn’t do with Grand Staircase-Escalante. I know the harm that these monuments have caused rural Utah. Parents used to send their children to college and they could return with engineering/environmental/biology degrees and work in mining or forestry. Instead, small towns die . . . Tourism is great if you own the restaurant or hotel, but children don't return to be waiters or maids.

President Trump recognized the danger of China as well as the danger of endless wars. He believed like I do, carry a big stick, but use it as seldom as possible. He understood the importance of energy independence and understood American exceptionalism.

Do all these people and organizations who hate Trump really believe that he deserves to be impeached or do they want to permanently cancel him for political expediency? Don’t they understand the long-term consequences to freedom of speech? Do they not understand the danger of creating two standards of justice when one-side can use language that can be interpreted as inciting and the other cannot? Isn't there danger when one-side uses impeachment as a form of insurrection and cancelling of votes? Why can’t they recognize that the all powerful government they are creating will eventually be used against them?

So do I remain silent because I didn't agree with 100% of President Trump's actions/style or because I can sense the political wind? What does history teach us?


Do what is right, let the consequences follow

